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Phrynosoma taurus, Mexican Horned Lizard
Dr. Wendy Hodges - University of California at Riverside
Phrynosoma taurus
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Museo de Zoología, Facultad de Ciencias, U. N. A. M.

Image processing: Ms. Farrah Welch
Publication Date: 09 Oct 2001

Views: whole specimen | head only | embryo


Phrynosoma taurus, the Mexican horned lizard, is one of fourteen species of horned lizards, unique iguanians belonging to the clade Phrynosomatidae. Horned lizards are readily distinguished from other lizards by their wide dorso-ventrally flattened body, skull adorned with a crown of horns, and spiny skin. Phrynosoma taurus is differentiated from other horned lizard species (e.g., P. cornutum) by the following features: reduced occipital spines that are separated by a notch; posterolateral enlargement of the temporal area, ending in two heavy and moderately long horns; a single row of lateral abdominal fringe scales; nostrils placed inside the canthus rostralis; and reduced caudal vertebrae and concomitant short tail.

Phrynosoma taurus

Phrynosoma taurus occurs in montane chaparral-oak forest of the Sierra Madre del Sur in Guerrero and in arid regions of Puebla and Oaxaca, Mexico. These lizards are called "el rey," "el toro," or "el torrito del Virgen" by local residents.

Horned lizards are unusual in that they are myrmecophagous - ant eaters - with blunt, noncuspid, peglike teeth for crushing prey. The diet of Phrynosoma taurus is 61% harvester ants, with the remainder comprised of other arthropods.

Phrynosomatidae includes both oviparous (egg laying) and viviparous (live bearing) species. Phrynosoma taurus was recently discovered to be viviparous (Zamudio and Parra-Olea, 2000); median clutch size along with other aspects of its reproductive biology are currently under study. Little is known of the ecology of this Mexican species, which is syntopic in parts of its range with another Mexican species, P. asio.

About the Species

This late-term embryo was removed from the female P. taurus featured on this site. Its immaturity is evident in the poor ossification of the skeleton. It will be accessioned in the Museo de Zoología, Facultad de Ciencias, U. N. A. M., upon completion of Ms. Hodges' research. The specimen contains eight near-term embryos, four in each oviduct. It was made available to the University of Texas High-Resolution X-ray CT Facility for scanning by Ms. Hodges of the School of Biological Sciences of The University of Texas at Austin. Funding for scanning was provided by a National Science Foundation Digital Libraries Initiative grant to Dr. Timothy Rowe of the Department of Geological Sciences of The University of Texas at Austin.

About this Specimen

This embryo was removed from the adult specimen and scanned separately by Matthew Colbert on 17 May 2001, along the long axis of the body, for a total of 303 slices, each slice 0.059 mm thick with an interslice spacing of 0.059 mm. Renderings of the embryo's skeleton are presented above.

About the


Frost, D. R., and R. Etheridge. 1989. A phylogenetic analysis and taxonomy of iguanian lizards (Reptilia: Squamata). University of Kansas Museum of Natural History Miscellaneous Publication 81.

Pianka, E. R., and W. S. Parker. 1975. Ecology of horned lizards: A review with special reference to Phrynosoma platyrhinos Copeia 1975:141-162.

Presch, W. 1969. Evolutionary osteology and relationships of the horned lizard genus Phrynosoma (Family Iguanidae) Copeia 1969:250-275.

Reeve, W. L. 1952. Taxonomy and distribution of the horned lizard genus Phrynosoma. University of Kansas Science Bulletin 34:817-960.

Smith, H. M. 1946. Handbook of Lizards: Lizards of the United States and of Canada. Comstock Publishing Co., Ithaca, New York.

Zamudio, K. R., and G. Parra-Olea. 2000. Reproductive mode and female reproductive cycles of two endemic Mexican horned lizards (Phrynosoma taurus and Phrynosoma braconnieri). Copeia 2000:222-229.


More on horned lizards from Eric Pianka and Wendy Hodges

The Horned Lizard Conservation Society

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To cite this page: Dr. Wendy Hodges, 2001, "Phrynosoma taurus" (On-line), Digital Morphology. Accessed January 24, 2025 at http://digimorph.org/specimens/Phrynosoma_taurus/embryo/.

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